Monsanto employees are dedicated to helping develop sustainable ways to feed our growing population. Meet Jonathan, a Nutrition Scientist at Monsanto, and watch the video below to learn more about his role in learning about soil and its impact on the farming.

Jonathan, Nutrition Scientist
Home Country
: United States

How long have you worked at Monsanto?
I have worked at Monsanto for 4 years.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is actually seeing products that I’ve worked on in my local supermarket. I know I have increased my own fruit and vegetable consumption by simply being on the lookout for our products and wanting to share them with my family.
If you had to describe Monsanto in three words, what would they be?
Genuine, Innovative and Collaborative.
What makes you proud to say you work at Monsanto?
There are probably two things that come to mind: impact and people. To know that our work has the potential to touch so many lives is incredibly humbling. Moreover, it is the passion of our people that really brings the goals of producing more, conserving more, and improving lives to reality. The passion of our people is second to none!
How was your experience shooting the video? Had you ever done anything like that before? Did anything funny happen along the way?
Overall, it was a great experience, and I had a lot of fun doing the video. I have done some things on camera before but nothing quite like this. The funniest part for me was trying to find something to do with my hands. Never have I been more aware of what my hands were doing (or not doing) than during the shoot!