Environmental Sustainability

We only have one Earth to provide for our needs today and tomorrow. That’s why it’s so important to preserve and protect our natural environment while growing what’s needed to feed a growing global population.

View the Sustainability Report

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Environmental Sustainability

We only have one Earth to provide for our needs today and tomorrow. That’s why it’s so important to preserve and protect our natural environment while growing what’s needed to feed a growing global population.

View the Sustainability Report


Through data and modern agriculture techniques and technologies, we’re helping farmers use fewer natural resources out in the fields.

We’re also reducing our impact on the environment within our own operations. In our focus on environmental sustainability, we concentrate on four main, interrelated categories.

Climate Change

Climate change affects all of us. As global temperatures rise, farmers face unique and unexpected challenges. We’re working to adapt to and mitigate climate change by improving our operations and collaborating with others. Our digital tools, weed control solutions, and innovations enable farmers to produce better harvests from existing farmland while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.     

Learn More About Climate Change

[unex_ce_basic_banner_split layer-name="Climate" layout="align-center-left" id="content_x8puedd9c" post_id="3423" semplice_styles_background_color="#f5f9fc" semplice_styles_background_image="https://monsanto.com/app/uploads/2017/05/A03_monsanto-2512_new.jpg" semplice_styles_background_size="auto" semplice_styles_background_position="50% 0%" semplice_styles_background_repeat="no-repeat" semplice_styles_padding_top="0px" semplice_styles_padding_bottom="0px" semplice_styles_padding_left="0" semplice_styles_padding_right="0"] <h3>Climate Change</h3> <p>Climate change affects all of us. As global temperatures rise, farmers face unique and unexpected challenges. We’re working to adapt to and mitigate climate change by improving our operations and collaborating with others. Our digital tools, weed control solutions, and innovations enable farmers to produce better harvests from existing farmland while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><a class="tertiary-link forest-txt" href="/climate-change">Learn More About Climate Change</a></p> [/ce_basic_banner_split]


We’re working to preserve biodiversity through our efforts and collaborations with others to protect species like honey bees and monarchs, and promote sustainable landscapes.

Learn More About Biodiversity

[unex_ce_basic_banner_split layer-name="Biodiversity" layout="align-center-right" id="content_842br0wsq" post_id="3423" semplice_styles_background_color="#f5f9fc" semplice_styles_background_image="https://monsanto.com/app/uploads/2017/05/shutterstock_146609321-1.jpg" semplice_styles_background_size="auto" semplice_styles_background_position="50% 0%" semplice_styles_background_repeat="no-repeat" semplice_styles_padding_top="0px" semplice_styles_padding_bottom="0px" semplice_styles_padding_left="0" semplice_styles_padding_right="0"] <h3>Biodiversity</h3> <p>We’re working to preserve biodiversity through our efforts and collaborations with others to protect species like honey bees and monarchs, and promote sustainable landscapes.</p> <p><a class="tertiary-link forest-txt" href="/company/sustainability/supporting-biodiversity/">Learn More About Biodiversity</a></p> [/ce_basic_banner_split]

Using Less Water

The world today faces a variety of pressures on the supply of fresh water. We’re working to protect freshwater sources and increase irrigation efficiency across our global seed production. Our commitment to using water more efficiently in our field irrigation operations, as well as on the contract farms that grow seed for our company, has the potential to save an estimated 30 to 80 billion gallons of water each year.

Learn More About Water Conservation

[unex_ce_basic_banner_split layer-name="Water" layout="align-center-left" id="content_0nmqxltjk" post_id="3423" semplice_styles_background_color="#f5f9fc" semplice_styles_background_image="https://monsanto.com/app/uploads/2017/05/GettyImages-182176900.jpg" semplice_styles_background_size="auto" semplice_styles_background_position="50% 0%" semplice_styles_background_repeat="no-repeat" semplice_styles_padding_top="0px" semplice_styles_padding_bottom="0px" semplice_styles_padding_left="0" semplice_styles_padding_right="0"]

Using Less Water

The world today faces a variety of pressures on the supply of fresh water. We’re working to protect freshwater sources and increase irrigation efficiency across our global seed production. Our commitment to using water more efficiently in our field irrigation operations, as well as on the contract farms that grow seed for our company, has the potential to save an estimated 30 to 80 billion gallons of water each year.

Learn More About Water Conservation


Maintaining Soil Health

It takes nearly 1,000 years for nature to create one inch of topsoil. New digital tools are allowing farmers to get a more complete picture of the microscopic makeup of the soil on their farms, allowing them to plan for the correct amount of inputs and conserve this limited resource in the process. Many operations are adopting not just the use of digital tools, but also techniques that leave valuable nutrients right where they belong, like no-till or conservation tillage.

Learn More About Soil Conservation

[unex_ce_basic_banner_split layer-name="soil" layout="align-center-right" id="content_o7p3ap4hd" post_id="3423" semplice_styles_background_color="#f5f9fc" semplice_styles_background_image="https://monsanto.com/app/uploads/2017/05/shutterstock_145039885-1.jpg" semplice_styles_background_size="auto" semplice_styles_background_position="50% 0%" semplice_styles_background_repeat="no-repeat" semplice_styles_padding_top="0px" semplice_styles_padding_bottom="0px" semplice_styles_padding_left="0" semplice_styles_padding_right="0"] <h3>Maintaining Soil Health</h3><p>It takes nearly 1,000 years for nature to create one inch of topsoil. New digital tools are allowing farmers to get a more complete picture of the microscopic makeup of the soil on their farms, allowing them to plan for the correct amount of inputs and conserve this limited resource in the process. Many operations are adopting not just the use of digital tools, but also techniques that leave valuable nutrients right where they belong, like no-till or conservation tillage.</p><p><a class="tertiary-link forest-txt" href="https://monsanto.com/company/sustainability/soil-conservation/">Learn More About Soil Conservation</a></p> [/ce_basic_banner_split]