One of the many biotechnology tools used in agriculture to improve crop yields and nutritional quality is double-stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA).  For example, dsRNA is used in SmartStax® PRO corn to control western corn rootworm damage which can be economically devastating. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), such as SmartStax® PRO corn, require environmental assessments to confirm that they are safe for the environment.

In this case, studies were conducted to see if SmartStax® PRO corn could be harmful to different wildlife including insects, fish, birds, mammals, and even microbes. These data support a conclusion that this GMO crop is safe for the tested beneficial or other non-target species. The full journal articles can be accessed here: and

Author and Monsanto Fellow Pamela Bachman, PhD - Environmental Strategic Engagement Lead: “As an environmentalist, it’s important for me to know that the products like SmartStax®PRO have been thoroughly and scientifically evaluated and shown to not harm the environment."

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Author and Monsanto Fellow Pamela Bachman, PhD - Environmental Strategic Engagement Lead:  “As an environmentalist, it’s important for me to know that the products like SmartStax®PRO have been thoroughly and scientifically evaluated and shown to not harm the environment."
