Modern Agriculture in Action

This section contains resources and information that you can use to showcase modern agriculture in action and to bring a face to real people working in agriculture each day — from growers cultivating the produce, to those behind-the-scenes innovating the modern agriculture tools and technologies used during crop production.

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Modern Agriculture in Action

This section contains resources and information that you can use to showcase modern agriculture in action and to bring a face to real people working in agriculture each day — from growers cultivating the produce, to those behind-the-scenes innovating the modern agriculture tools and technologies used during crop production.


Farmer Profiles

Each year, Monsanto sponsors the National Farm Mom of the Year program, which seeks to recognize farm moms from all over the United States for their hard work and dedication to agriculture, their farming operations, their families and communities. The program is hosted on, and there you can find profiles of the amazing women who have won this honor over the past seven years. Below is a sampling of the Farm Moms from across the United States who have been recognized through the program.

The profiles are included for a couple of reasons. First, they help to illustrate the diverse nature of agriculture today. There really is no one-size-fits-all farmer. Secondly, these farmers and numerous others across the country can provide interesting perspective and insights about farming and food production today.

Each of the farmers highlighted here along with all the other remarkable women featured on the Web site are available for media interviews or for features in your communications materials, or for outreach such as social media engagement. You may also consider working with them for personal appearances, depending on your location and/or specific need. If you would like to feature a Farm Mom in your communication programs, please contact Tracy Mueller, Corporate Brand Communications Manager, for additional information at

Here are some brief farmer profiles generated as part of the Farm Mom program:

2016 National Farm Mom of the Year
Mary Courtney, Albany, Oregon

Mary is the winner of the 2016 National Farm Mom of the Year. Mary and her husband began their farming operation from scratch in 2008. While raising a young family, she has taught herself payroll taxes and now manages a crew of 18 migrant workers, plans, produces, and markets and abundance of local fruits and vegetables, contracts grains, and teaches the oldest children to bottle feed calves, while the youngest is in tow. She is proud to state, "My roles are wife, mother and farmer." Mary keeps this vision first and foremost.

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Katie Heger, Underwood, North Dakota

Katie’s professional career began as an elementary teacher, however several years ago, she transitioned to full-time mom and partner on their 8,000 acre family farm, which will celebrate its centennial in 2019. Katie and her husband Steven are raising five talented children who are actively involved with 4-H animals. She is teaching her kids valuable business skills as they grow GMO sweet corn to sell at a roadside stand. Katie encourages them to speak boldly with customers about the importance of biotechnology, and she models generosity by leading them to donate the proceeds to local charities.

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Ann Stamp, Cranston, RI

Ann has been the co-manager of Stamp Farms for over 25 years, running the seasonal enterprise of green houses and managing the sales and expenses from over 100 acres of sweet corn that the family delivers locally. This Farm Mom can also be found in a pumpkin patch, selling a variety of squash, offering free hayrides, and helping other families create their own special memories around the holidays. Ann gives back to her community through ag education, introducing children and adults alike to cycles of farm life, production of crops and livestock.

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Nikki Weathers, Yuma, CO

Nikki and her husband Nathan farm a number of grain crops, as well as raised a few hundred cow-calf pairs. She is an innovator who has been heavily involved with her local Yuma County Farm Bureau and the Colorado Farm Bureau. Most recently, Nikki was appointed as the Chair of the Women’s Leadership Committee. She leads this committee with grace, but still holds the women to high expectations. Nikki is selfless, dedicated, compassionate, passionate about agriculture, kind and is always willing to lend a helping hand whenever she can.

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Karen Kasper, Owatonna MN

For 25 years, Karen has hosted farm school tours to give children exposure to real farm life.  In February she authored her first children’s book A Suitcase of Seven. With at least 12 more to follow, her books are geared to teach children and their families the REAL story of farming. Karen’s energy, drive, and organizational skills are key to her dairy farm’s success. She feeds and cares for her 400 dairy calves/heifers each day in addition to her work with the American Dairy Association and serving as the District Secretary for her milk cooperative.

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Plant Breeder Profiles

Along with farmers, breeders are at the start of the value chain as far as developing seeds that are adapted to thrive in regions around the world. Through modern breeding techniques, Monsanto vegetable breeders develop seeds that benefit both farmers and consumers. Similar to the farmers highlighted in the toolkit, consider featuring plant breeders in your media relations outreach and/or communications materials to provide insights into seeds as the first step toward the produce aisle. 

Learn more about plant breeders through this video highlighting the work of a pepper breeder.  Pepper Breeder Video: