Travel Award

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Travel Award



The Monsanto Travel Award will reimburse recipients for up to $1,300 in costs associated with travel participating in the INFORMS Annual Meeting.


The award is open to male or female students who are currently members of the Forum on Women in OR/MS (WORMS)*. Recipients must be officially participating in the INFORMS Annual Meeting, including giving an oral or poster presentation or acting as session chair or participating in the Combined Colloquia. Eligibility is limited to current students. Up to $1,300 in expenses will be reimbursed upon submittal of receipts to INFORMS staff to cover costs such as travel (transportation, accommodation, and meals).

Application Procedures

Applications are due September 8, 2017. Applicants should email Beth West and Sarah Nurre with the following information:

  • Subject line should be WORMS Monsanto Travel AWARD

  • Statement of Purpose (not to exceed 500 words) including

    • Research Interests;
    • Ties to INFORMS—please provide the title of the presentation, session or Colloquium you are participating in and your role;
  • A Letter of Recommendation

  • The nominee’s résumé and other items as appropriate.


The selection committee will consist of Monsanto’s representation along with the selected officers of WORMS. The selection committee will assess the applications based on the Statement of Purpose and Letter of Recommendation. Priorities will be given to students whose research is applicable to agricultural business. Recipients will be notified by the selection committee no later than September 15, 2017. Recipients should submit all receipts for reimbursement to Beth and Sarah no later than 30 days following conclusion of the conference. The award will be presented to the winner during the WORMS luncheon at the 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting. The winner will be highlighted in Monsanto websites and blogs.

*To become a WORMS member, please visit the WORMS website and select JOIN in the menu bar.